Make Your Own Fruit Wine & Vinegar, Today!

Artist and forager Nancy Klehm will be holding the last of her highly unique cooking classes at Echo Park gallery/performance space Machine Project this Monday, March 10th, from 6-9pm. There are still a few spots left (tickets cost $85 for members, $95 for non-members), so head on over to the website to sign up for a lesson on making your own fermented fruits and vinegars. Fruit wine sounds like a fantastic way to take advantage of Southern California’s many urban fruit trees!

This is the last of a cooking project which also taught participants how to pickle and make kimchi, as well as how to prepare your own cheese, yogurt, and butter from local raw milk. Each class session also gets to enjoy a light meal. Why didn’t I get in on this sooner? Pickles, cheese, and wine are some of this foodie’s favorite things, and I love the DIY approach.

From the Machine Project website: “[Klehm] is a grower, forager and artist with experience making cheese, brews, miso and other ferments. Her ‘Neighborhood Orchard’ involves neighbors growing on various urban sites (‘vacant’ lots, backyards, transportation corridors) and bartering between one another for services and food. She actively collects food waste and community composting. On occasion she barters produce and fruit with local restaurants for meals.”

2 thoughts to “Make Your Own Fruit Wine & Vinegar, Today!”

  1. I feel super by saying that this is realy one of the very best blogs I’ve ever visited yet!

    Congrats! Take it like a blossom blessing!


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