Blueberry Wine – A Growing Demand and Excellent Source!

The blueberry wine industry is in full swing these days with increasing demand for blueberry wines not only in the domestic market but also on the export front.

UF/IFAS photo by Tyler Jones
UF/IFAS photo by Tyler Jones

This is especially true in Asia where blueberry wines are now a pretty hot item, not only due to its amazing flavors but also the health benefits attributed to drinking a well made fruit wine.

Blueberry wine has a very high antioxidant content and can produce a very large array of wine styles; from a light and dry sipper, sparkling wine, port style and all the way to a full bodied oak aged table wine. A very versatile fruit indeed.

An increasing amount of wineries makes blueberry wines in North America, however, because of poor crop harvests and increasing demand, it’s becoming more and more difficult to find a reliable supplier of quality packed wine-grade blueberries.

One quality supplier that is reliable and has been around for a long time is W.G. Roe & Sons who under the “Noble Worldwide” brand has been supplying to the fruit and general beverage industry since the 1920’s.

Out of their Florida facility, they have been supplying blueberries to the industry and presently have good availability of South American blueberries ready for immediate shipping and use and from April onwards, will have fresh packed American blueberries.
Noble Blueberries
Noble’s blueberry packing is done in a state-of-the-art, temperature-controlled facility and the fruit is well graded to achieve the lowest culls with the highest pack-out possible. The blueberry packing facility also has an “excellent” rating by national third-party food audit company Primus.

So for any winemaker or wineries needing a reliable and steady source of quality blueberries either for home use of large commercial scale, I would recommend contacting them at [email protected] or their office at (863) 294-3577.

Any home winemakers or wineries out there either presently producing blueberry wine or thinking about venturing into it, let me know! I would love to hear from you.

10 thoughts to “Blueberry Wine – A Growing Demand and Excellent Source!”

  1. I am thinking about venturing into it. I live in the Redland area of Homestead, Miami dade, Florida. I have an acre in my property with a big barn for horses, witch I want to transform into a wine making facility. Blueerry sounds fabulous and delicious, as well as other fruits that I have in mind. At this moment is just a project that I wish to concrete soon. I still need to study about the business of winemaking. Any sugestions are wellcome. Thank you. Regards,

  2. I live in Wyoming and make fruit wines out of necessity and have made blueberry wine. It is by fat one of my favorites. I also make a lot of chokecherry wine which is incredible. I’m excited to start reading this website. I feel that all of people disregard fruit wine as great wines

  3. I live in the Philippines. I have been processing guyabano wine at school, the isabela state university at cabagan. Interested to know source of blueberry fruits and planting materials for the tropics. Thanks.

  4. We have been making our own Blueberry Wine since 1988 from blueberries grown right here in New Zealand. Our range of Blueberry wines have won a severe medals in International and National Competition. Our last medal was for 2013 Blueberry Wine, Style Medium won a Silver medal, Style Sweet won a Gold medal and the Trophy for the Best wine in its category. We do sell our wines online and our biggest sale this year was to China.

    1. That’s great to hear! China is a good market for blueberry wine, a very trendy fruit there due not only to its taste but also health properties. I think it would be fun to write a blog post about your wines and winery to tell the world of the award winning wines you create. Let me know if interested.

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