The Drink Outside the Grape Competition!
Its wine competition time! Mark your calendar for the third annual Drink Outside the Grape Competition, dedicated to giving fruit wines, mead, cider, perry, flower wines and fruit brandies the attention and respect they deserve in a professional blind tasting.
International entry deadline: July 16th. Receiving (of shipped entries)
Deadline: July 20th.
Event: August 8th.
For details visit or call +1-434-825-9061.
This is an international competition and open to commercial fruit wines, ciders, means, fruit liqueurs and flower wines made anywhere in the world.
To all fruit winemakers, throughout the world, I wish you all the success!
UPDATE: The 2018 medal winners are now public! Full results here:
Congratulations to all the winners and thank you to all that have participated!
We were contacted by the state of Virginia regarding shipping wine to the competition in 2018 to a facility not registered to receive wine shipments. Have you made any changes to be licensed to receive wine shipments from another state for the 2019 competition?