Mijiah Fruit Wine Commercial

4 thoughts to “Mijiah Fruit Wine Commercial”

  1. I produce Mijiah wine you may email me At [email protected] . The product container is handmade stoneware with the dents of my palm. The fruits are gathered from the wilds, except for the mango ,by cultural minorities in the Philippines. These mountain dwellers survive by charcoal making. There is one cluster we are helping with 10 communities , each community comprises 71 families who does nothing but chop 6n to 8 year old trees for firewood and charcoal. Since we started buying wild berries from them did they realize the destruction they are doing. This cluster chops 8,520 trees per year. Now they are our forest guardian , realizing the value of protecting the environment.
    Thanks and email me.
    Elbert Pigtain

  2. sir saan po mga outlet nyo? i first encountered your wine when i went with the rarefruit society of the philippines when we did our mindanao tour. i used to be able to buy at market market but di ko na mahanap kung saan na sya available…

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